Do you always seem to “choke” at important moments in your sport? Is your nervousness before competition impacting your ability to show up? Are you consumed by negative thoughts? Do you need more mental toughness to overcome adversity within your sport? Are you competing more with distractions than focusing on your gameplay? Are you feeling pressure to perform at a certain level – or are you just generally stressed out over the idea of performing or competing? Do you feel confident in training but it doesn’t translate to game day? Maybe you’re currently injured and looking for a way to remain connected to your performance? Maybe you’re just feeling “stuck” in your sport and not sure if it’s physical or mental or something else.
If you’re nodding along to any of the above…
Let me be your accountability partner!
Mental training is for all levels of athletes and the foundation of my business is built on that pillar. I work with athletes and performers from the novice or beginner level through elite, recreational to high competitor, youth through adult, strongly identify as an athlete or not. (We can work on the self-identification piece together, too!)
I want all this for you:
- Compete with more confidence
- Manage your energy in practice & on game day
- Visualize & realize your best performance
- Connect on a deeper level to your sport
Mental training requires the same periodized work and deliberate practice as your physical program.
All plans and training are individualized to the client. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.
There is no life hack or quick fix to doing the work.
I provide ONE-on-ONE virtual consulting in areas of:
- Goal setting
- Confidence building
- Energy management (activation, performance anxiety, mindfulness, etc.)
- Concentration/Focus
- Performance routines
- Motivation
- Athlete Burnout
- Athlete Identity
- Visualization
- Resilience
- Contingency planning
- Sleep, stress, & recovery
I also work with teams and organizations for workshops related to team cohesion and communication, or any of the above-listed topics.
Depending on your concern or area of mental performance enhancement, I offer 5- and 10-session packages. (Most of our work together will continue beyond those 10 sessions.) All sessions are for 50 minutes and can be held every week or every other week, based on the client’s preferred schedule. For prior clients, I offer a monthly accountability package, which includes one 1:1 30-minute “tune up” session per month. Pre-purchased 10-session packages receive a discounted rate.
I truly believe that participation in sport is for everyone – and just as we should find ways to increase accessibility for sport for all, as mental skill coaches we should find ways to increase accessibility to our services. Support is available for economic hardships for professional services – please send a message through my contact form!