Friday Five: 7.24.20



What old story are you still believing about yourself? {via TED} You are more than your “always” and your “nevers” that were formed from these old stories. This article has a wonderful breakdown of action areas to build awareness around and how to edit those stories.

success begets success
I played my best round of golf this week since I started learning the game a couple of years ago – and after playing my worst round of golf two weeks ago. Growth is oftentimes difficult and non-linear. And let’s face it: learning something new (maybe, especially, something like golf) is hard. This is a reminder to you to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

shape shifter
Speaking of growth: Maslow’s Pyramid is a Lie (thanks, Capitalism!) {via Medium, $$}. As a psychology major, I feel betrayed by the professors who taught – and never corrected – the triangle model.

book recommendation
But ever thankful for Scott Barry Kaufman for giving us this straight story about the true nature behind Maslow’s humanistic work. Buy Kaufman’s book Transcend (about the science of self-actualization and human potential) here.

takeaway thought
What themes come up in your self-talk? Are there pieces of your old story or a myth about yourself that lead your internal narrative?

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