who am I?
A theme coming up in my work the last couple of weeks has been centered around athlete identity. What makes an athlete an athlete? Do you consider yourself an athlete? Do you call yourself an athlete? Do you feel a certain kind of way when others call you an athlete? Change your fitness identity. {via 12-minute Athlete}
what’s your superpower?
Maybe it’s psychological flexibility. {via the weekend university}
where is the mistake?
In sport (and life), making a mistake is normal. We’ve all made them! Return to confidence by focusing on the present and leaving the past in the past. Be confident despite mistakes – be confident IN SPITE OF mistakes. Your Mistake is a Gift. {Roger Crawford, via YouTube}
how are you feeling?
As humans, we are primed to fall into this place of dichotomous thinking, including in regard to our emotions (i.e. happy vs. sad). Do you think this is true – that emotions are opposite one another – or do you think they are more on a continuum? Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotion shows us 8 primary emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and anticipation. Beyond that, emotions are complex, and Plutchik’s wheel aims to simplify – and help us understand our own emotions (and subsequent behaviors).
why you mad?
Don’t poke the bear! Keeping on topic with emotions, a little fun in research here about the benefits of being grumpy and bad-tempered. {via BBC; links to research within the article}
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